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Showing posts with the label led light housing

Aluminum Led Light Bulb Housing

Although LED bulbs are currently costlier than incandescent bulbs, they need a way longer lifetime. LED bulbs have a lifetime of about 10 years, compared to about 5 years for conventional light bulbs and fewer than 1 year for CFL bulbs. Although LED lamps offer significantly longer life, the additional costs of integrating intelligence and communication will pay for themselves over time. LEDs are far more effective, making it almost impossible to live them during this way, although a 50 watt LED are going to be much brighter than a 50 watt light bulb. Since LED lamps require a lot of power, we need to determine the resistance performance and find out how much current this resistance can dissipate. Now that we've found the effectiveness we'd like to divide the quantity we tested by 6.3 watts, or about an equivalent amount of power because the LED bulb itself. LEDs vary in their current rated power, high-power LEDs can draw current from 350 mA to 3000 mA, but there are no thanks ...